Invited Speakers
- The speakers haven’t been finalized, stay tuned for updates!
- Stay tuned for updates!
Poster Session
- Stay tuned for updates!
- Stay tuned for updates!
- If you are interested in sponsoring SynData4CV workshop @ CVPR 2025, please reach out to Jieyu Zhang (jieyuz2@cs.washington.edu).
Call for Papers
We invite papers on the use of synthetic data for training and evaluating computer vision models. We welcome submissions along two tracks:
Full papers: Up to 8 pages, not including references/appendix.
Short papers: Up to 4 pages, not including references/appendix.
Accepted papers will be allocated a poster presentation and displayed on the workshop website. In addition, we will offer a Best Long Paper award, Best Paper Runner-up award, and Best Short Paper with oral presentation.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Effectiveness: What is the most effective way to generate and leverage synthetic data? How "realistic" does synthetic data need to be?
Efficiency and scalability: Can we make synthetic data generation more efficient and scalable without sacrificing quality?
Benchmark and evaluation: What benchmark and evaluation methods are needed to assess the efficacy of synthetic data for computer vision?
Risks and ethical considerations: What ethical questions and risks are associated with synthetic data (e.g. bias amplification), and how can we address them?
Applications: In addition to existing attempts on leveraging synthetic data for training visual recognition and vision-language models, what are other tasks in computer vision or other related fields (e.g., robotics, NLP) that could benefit from synthetic data?
Other open problems: How do we decide which type of data to use, synthetic or real-world data? What is the optimal way to combine both if both are available? How much real-world data do we need (in the long run)?
Submission Instructions
Submissions should be anonymized and formatted using the CVPR 2025
template and uploaded as a single PDF.
Note that our workshop is non-archival.
Submission link: OpenReview Link
Important workshop dates
- Deadline for submission: March 31th, 11:59 PM Pacific Time
- Notification of acceptance: April 9th, 11:59 PM Pacific Time (Tentative)
- Camera Ready submission deadline: April 24th, 11:59 PM Pacific Time (Tentative)
- Workshop date: June 11th, 2025 (Full day) (Tentative)
Related Workshops
- Machine Learning with Synthetic Data @ CVPR 2022
- Synthetic Data for Autonomous Systems @ CVPR 2023
- Synthetic Data Generation with Generative AI @ NeurIPS 2023